Tuesday, September 27, 2005

5 Tell Tale Signs that you have a CRAP job

1) Your highlight of the day is the 10-30 mins you spend on the throne.*

2) The most intelligent daily conversation you get is out of the canteen cashier who can't speak English properly anyway.

3) You know the symptoms for numerous illnesses you have never had and probably never will have, and they all go through your mind every morning when the alarm clock goes off.

4) You look at the Window Cleaners with envy.

5) Tracey, Sharon, Gary and Trevor are the most frequent names of your colleagues.

Bonus) Your employer was formerly known as Midland Bank

*1-2 hours on a Friday with the alcoplops after you've been on the DiahaBeer on Thursday night


Blogger Matt said...

Benny! good to here from you!

We're only on the second post and we have already 'gone down the toilet'. I appreciate how literally 'crap' that job is but am less certain as to what motivates you to go and watch the unfortunate Iberian log on to toilet.com every day?

September 27, 2005  
Blogger Benedito said...

That's not too bad...
My daily-routine is something like that, but I still have to teach at night and most of the nights my Santa Cruz is playing, I'm in class!
Do you know who I envy? The natural-sandwich-seller guy at the beach...
take care Mush Head!

September 27, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I envy the chairs on the beach! though only the ones that get sat on by the girls in bikinis.

September 28, 2005  
Blogger Matt said...

When is the rival Benny blog coming out?

September 28, 2005  

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