Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Classic Mumisms

I feel a bit like i'm ripping off comedy genius Peter Kay, by trying to have a laugh at my Mum's expense, though the Sunday's tabloid headlines regarding a scandal involving a young Man Utd player reminded me of a very amusing conversation at home in Sheffield a few years ago.

Context: The family lunch table, me and my brother, Alex had been out on the town the previous evening. The tabloid newspapers are full of stories about Premier League footballers group sex sessions and the general public becomes familiar with the term 'roasting'.

Mum: Did you two have a good time last night?
Alex: Yeh it was good
(both brothers start smirking at each other)
Mum: What? What? What? what are you two smirking at??
Matt: Nothing!
(Alex starts laughing)
Mum: Tell me! Tell me!
(she pauses looks us both up and down)
Mum: you didn't.............
you didn't......... 'roast chicken' somebody did you?

NB. Needless to say we did not 'roast chicken' anybody, and I can't for the life of me remember what we were smiling about.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mmm... roast...

October 26, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

roast chicken butty, ooooohhhhhhh

October 29, 2005  

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