Thursday, January 12, 2006

Am I a 'Yindie'?

Having always had a lot of contempt for 'yuppies' and their lifestyles and pretensions, I was a little concerned when I was sent this link from the Independent by my youngest sibling, Captain 'IndieBoy' Beancod.

There is a new category of person in town the Yindie, 'half-yuppie, half-indie, moneyed urban hipsters aged 20-35 who listen to wry northern indie music on their iPod nanos, and who think Zadie Smith is the pinnacle of alternative fiction.' OK i've got a cheapo MP3 player that only holds 40 songs and i've never been arsed to read a Zadie Smith book though I'm still quite concerned that I may fall into this new category of irritating pretentious young urban smart arse. To confirm whether or not this is the case I did the questionnaire.

Thankfully I did not answer mostly 'B' there were as many Cs as Bs, however the mention of blogs and Googling yourself in the questionnaire means that perhaps I am a borderline case!


Blogger Benedito said...

I´m an Yindie! But I don´t think I fit right into the category.
By the way, the some of the questions were kinda gay...

January 12, 2006  

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